Reimagine Ford

A new design system for Ford’s U.S. and Canadian websites.


VMLY&R was tasked to reinvent Ford’s design system and website, with a focus on the vehicle home pages, using a partner agencies new branding.


Role Senior Experience Designer
Figma / Sketch / Jira
VMLY&R / Ford
Jan 2023 — June 2023


Ford’s website was outdated and using inconsistent branding and design from many other teams. UX and UI issues of continuity throughout.

Ford’s design system lacked clear standards for how the Ford brand must be expressed. Inconsistencies with icons, buttons, links, alignment, color, imagery, and components created an out-of-date look and led to a falliable online experience.


How do we maintain Ford’s world established brand while modernizing the new design system? Develop a UX/UI friendly design pattern that establishes a clear and consistent system for Ford assets that can be applied to all US and Canadian sites.

Upgraded design system principles 

Craft with Intention

Ford Brand Attribute: Authentic

Make decisions rooted in reason. Be thoughtful. Be purposeful. Be empathetic to a human need at the very moment of need.

Let it Breathe

Ford Brand Attribute: Effortless

Make space. Create focus. Guide. We should be a breath of fresh air in a complex world.

Stir the Soul

Ford Brand Attribute: Passionate

Connect with people. Inspire optimism. Spark imaginations. Create energy. Be bold but relatable. Tell real stories, beautifully.

Advance the Icon

Ford Brand Attribute: Purposeful Ingenuity

Forward advancement is in our blood. We stay true to our visionary heritage by showing up in unexpected ways.


By leveraging Ford’s new design principles we are able to organize and create structure. We strategically use negative space to welcome and create freedom to explore in designs. Prioritized hierarchy of information to clearly guide and communicate what is critical. Removed extraneous elements to say more with less. Used motion to advance the experience and propel the user forward. We provided full specifications to our dev partner so that could easily apply those designs to the current system.

Reskinned and redesigned components

We touched most components for both the vehicle homepages as well as across most of the site. Key ones featured:

Global navigation

Reduced amount of clickable items for a simpler hierarchy.


Billboard, Secondary Nav, & Attributes

Emphasized vehicle imagery and key attributes for easy scanning.


Expanded feature, tabs, and horizontal card

Updated UX for tabs make for more seamless experience with visual updates to cards and the expanded feature for a more streamlined and beautiful experience.


360 colorizer

Showcasing the color variations of each vehicle type.